
This project automates the booking and management processes involved in Teegams laundry firm. The manual or traditional method being used is tedious, time consuming and prone to errors therefore, the need for a computerized and automated method of handling booking and management of the laundry firm. A database was implemented using MySQL for proper record management and PHP was used as scripting language for the system development. The customer needs to register with his/her details to be able to use the system. Once registered, a customer can make bookings, payment for services rendered and also access other system services. This project shows that it is easier for customers to book for their laundry online automatically and the management to manage the firm easily rather than going through some tedious manual processes.
Keywords: MIS, Hyperlinks, computer networks, automation    
1.1 Background of Study
Laundry has been part of history since humans began to wear cloths, so the methods by why different cultures have dealt with this universal human need are of interest in several branches of scholarships. Laundry work has traditionally been highly gendered, with the responsibility in most cultures falling to women. The industrial revolution gradually led to mechanized solutions to laundry work, notably the washing machine and later the tumble dryer. Laundry, like cooking and child care, is done both at home and the commercial establishments outside the home (Katsnelson, 2015).
Teegams Laundry was established in 2018 and has grown to become one of the city’s commercial laundry service provider. Their services are catered to meet the needs of their customers both as an individual and as a business. There Laundry Services is dedicated to excellence. They have provided the community with quality service making them a household name in the city’s ever-changing landscape.
A significant part of the operation of any laundry firm involves the acquisition, management and timely retrieval of great volumes of information. This information typically involves; customer information and clothing records history, user information, the price of delivery and retrieval period, users scheduling as regards customers details and dealings in service rendered, also products package waiting list. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and cost wise fashion so that the organization resources may be effectively utilized.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Teegams laundry is a laundry firm located in Jalingo. They offer various laundry services which ranges from dry cleaning, ironing, washing etc. The firm uses a manual system for the management and maintenance of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores spread throughout the Laundry firm management infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is incomplete or does not follow management standards. Forms are often lost in transit between departments requiring a comprehensive auditing process to ensure that no vital information is lost. This has led to inconsistencies in various data due to large volume of contrasting customer details leading to a mix-up of clothes in the laundry firm which thus leads to delay in collecting the clothes back. The problems faced here are:
Poor statistics about customers: this may be as a result of lost or misplaced customer records
Longer Waiting Time: The record clerk wastes so much time in bringing customer records. In case the management needs the record for a particular customer, it takes the clerk time to manually organize the data and bring it to the destination where it’s needed. Thereby, contributing to time wastage.
Inaccurate customer report: Sometimes customer reports are not properly stated and reported. Due to the traditional method of storing customer records, it is difficult to track customer records especially for reporting purpose.
Mishandling of customers records: Customer files are often handled with little or no regard. This leads to detaching and tearing away of some of the customer's important documents.
Additional workload: The use of the manual system also creates an additional workload for the staff to keep and obtain the customer and staff information because this information is kept in a different file.
1.3            1.3 Objective of Study
The purpose of laundry management system is to automate the management of the laundry firm making it more efficient and error free. The objectives are:
                    i.            To implement a management system that will streamline the registration process, reduce administrative tasks and paperwork so as to improve the registration cycle process flow.
                  ii.            To implement a computerized system that can perform a better managing process for the laundry firm.
                iii.            It aims at standardizing data, consolidating data ensuring data integrity and reducing inconsistencies, through the use of a highly computerized process that is stress-free, reliable and quick through the use of PHP programming language and SQL database application to both the users and the staff in charge of the registration and laundry management processes. HTML would be at the front-end and provide the graphical user interface that relates to the user, while the SQL database will be at the back-end to handle the data storage process.
1.4 Significance of Study
This work serves as a launching pad for laundry firms to enhance the recording system by computerization of their operation.
This project work is breaking new grounds in the area of computerization of laundry services; it will serve as a stepping-stone for student researchers and her interested explorer in this field.
Though this software is designed using Sparkle Laundry Services as a case study any other laundry firm can use the software with just a little modification.
1.5 Scope of Study
The Laundry Management System is designed for Teegams Laundry firm to replace their existing manual, paper-based system. The new system is in form of an e-registration system to control the following; customer information, products, services, users, carts, and receipt. These services are to be provided in an efficient, cost-effective manner, with the goal of reducing the delay and resources currently required for such tasks as clothes details are bounded to a particular customer with a given id. Since the existing system makes use of tedious administrative tasks, lots paperwork and time, in which full information cannot be gotten from busy customers.
1.6  Definition of Terms
Computer Network: Computer Network is a system that connects two or more computers together using a communication link.
World Wide Web: World Wide Web simply called www is the most important tool of the Internet. It was created in the late 1980s in Europe and was used limitedly in academic cycle. Databases: A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. It is also called databank.
File Transfer: file transfer is the transmission of a computer file hrough a communication channel from one computer to another. Typically, file transfer is mediated by a communication protocol.
Web Brower: This is a special kind of software that processes hypertext make-up language (HTML) document. In other words, a web browser is a computer program that interprets HTML command to collect, arranged and display the parts of a web page.
Website:  A website is a collection of many interconnected web pages organized by a specific college, organization company etc, and containing web pages (good and commodities) on the Internet. Websites are stored on web servers. There are many websites and thousands of HTML pages on each website. A website is a treasure of information and entertainment.
 Hyperlinks: a hyperlink is an element in an HTML document that links another portion of the document or to another document altogether.
Online: Connected via a computer attached to or available via a central computer network.
Offline: Disconnected from a computer network; describes a computer terminal or peripheral device disconnected from a computer network.
Computer System: Set of computer components that are, an assembling of hardware, software and peripherals functioning together.
Database design: The process of creating a design that will support emprise mission statement and mission required database e system.
Software: software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks.
Hardware: Computer equipment used to perform input processing and system output activates.
Management information system: collection of people, database, and devices produced to use in providing routine information to manager and decision makers of the organization.
PRICE: N2,300 


A healthy environment is imperative to a healthy and happy community. Clean and well monitored environments are a key need in human habitable environments. In-House management and monitoring of waste is a key aspect in achieving this. The existing system of using waste monitoring personnel to regularly check and empty filled dustbins, the process has been prone to delays or neglect. Additionally, due to different frequency of usage of dustbins in different areas, routine checks which are based on time crevices is inefficient because a dustbin might get filled early and may need immediate attention or there might not be any need of a routine check for a long period of time. This makes present system resource expensive and ineffectual, as overflowing, stinking dustbins become more of a problem than a solution. This study presents a solution about the Smart-Bin Prototype for In-House Waste Management which integrates the idea of IoT with Wireless Sensor Networks. Arduino ATmega328P Microcontroller is used to interface the sensor system and the IoT hub. Dustbins in an area are embedded with low power and low cost smart ultrasonic and gas sensors that are connected to an IoT device, which acts as a central hub for all bins. The bins transmit their gas content and its fill-level status to the central hub which relays this data to a cloud platform. The cloud platform further pushes the data to the client app a GUI (Web or mobile) in which the current gas content and their state (filled or not) is displayed. The client app GUI can be used by the waste management personnel and data can be used to plan their routine check. This timely garbage monitoring would optimize resources, reduce cases of neglect and is easy to adopt.
Solid waste which is one of the sources and causes of environmental pollution has been defined under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as any solid, semi-solid liquid or contained gaseous materials discarded from industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations and from community activities (Bashir & Banday, 2013). Most daily human activities generate waste which requires to be properly managed to protect human health and environment while enhancing aesthetics. This scenario is particularly evident in urban settlements which generate large quantities of solid waste due to high human population (National Environment Management Authority, 2014).

Waste management is a task which occurs in a great variety of domains and contexts. Moderate amounts of waste can be found in any environment inhabited by human beings (Prassler, Stroulia, & Strobe, 1997). Waste management is an important requirement for ecologically sustainable development in many countries. Efficient management/ clearing of waste is a major issue in today’s society (Glouche & Couderc, 2013). The impacts of poor solid waste management within the urban settlements, particularly cities and big municipalities can be disastrous (National Environment Management Authority, 2014).
Common methods of solid waste disposal is the use of waste bins for collection (Lazaro, Alexis, & Rubio, 2014). The office and domestic waste products are collected through waste bin at a common place at a particular spot. A major difficult task is the process of checking waste bins for the collection of waste (Bashir & Banday, 2013). The common waste collection process demands that waste management personnel has to pass by and collect waste from all the different waste bins. The waste management personnel has to present himself in person at all the waste collection points without the knowledge of the bin status. In this case, two possibilities present; either there is no waste for collection, or the bin has overflown. 2

This is a complex and time consuming process. Rising waste disposal costs and high visibility of waste collection operations are forcing residents to demand efficient collection and disposal of solid waste (Dugdhe, Shelar, Jire, & Apte, 2016). As such there is need for proper and efficient waste management (Bashir & Banday, 2013). Cleaning of garbage bin in time will ensure proper cleanliness of the surrounding (Thakker, 2015)
Solid waste collection is one of the most expensive services provided by a city to its residents. Between 75-80% of the solid waste management budget is spent on collection and transfer costs. Therefore, productivity of collection and transfer operations is of significant concern (Dugdhe et al., 2016).

Urban/suburban waste management involves numerous waste bins that exhibit significant filling variations (over days and seasons or location) and diverse requirements for emptying, from sporadic (a few times within a week) to very frequent (several times a day). On the other hand other waste forms (i.e. agricultural, biomedical, chemical, electronic, mineral, organic/inorganic, and radioactive, etc.) are characterized by varying levels of gas emissions which are crucial for monitoring (Karadimas, Papalambrou, Gialelis, & Koubias, 2016).

The problem of efficient waste management is one of the major problems of the modern times, thus there is an utmost need to address this problem(Bashir & Banday, 2013) (Dugdhe et al., 2016). The proper waste management system is a must for the hygienic society in general and for a better world as a whole.

In order to protect human health and the environment from the potential hazards of delayed waste disposal and environmental pollution a systematically supervised and controlled handling of these wastes is of essence (Bashir & Banday, 2013).

The work proposed in this study illustrates how the Litter-Bin solution empowers cleaning operators to monitor in-house waste bins in real time. Thus, the system is able to help in increasing overall productivity and cleanliness. 
Litter bins are emptied at certain intervals by cleaners. This method has several drawbacks such as: Some litter bins fill up much faster than the rate of emptying and they are full before the next scheduled time for collection. This leads to overflowing of rubbish bin and poses hygiene risks. Also there are special periods (e.g. festivals, during office activities, and active company/office periods) when certain litter bins fill up very quickly and there is a need for increased collection intervals (Folianto, Low, & Yeow, 2015). Additionally, some waste bins produce uncomfortable smell composed of toxic gases which poses a health hazard to human habitation. A lot of research has been done on different aspect of solid waste management, but a few works have been done on in-house bin monitoring (Dugdhe et al., 2016). This research proposes a prototype solution that empowers waste monitoring personnel to timely collection of waste by notifying when the fill-level or safe gas emission levels are surpassed. The proposed solution is able to help in increasing overall productivity by ensuring collections occur only when needed, overfilling is eliminated, collection costs are reduced and residents enjoy an ecofriendly waste monitoring solution.
The main objective of the study is to develop a smart-bin management and monitoring prototype to proactively detect fill-level or gas emission levels and notify the relevant waste monitoring personnel. The following specific objectives have been formulated:
i. To Identify Elements relating to bin status monitoring.
ii. To Review the approaches used in in-house waste monitoring systems.
iii. To Develop a robust prototype to detect when litter bins fill up or generate toxic gases and notify the relevant waste monitoring personnel for collection.

iv. To Test the prototype.

i. What are the elements used for waste bin status monitoring?
ii. What are the approaches used in in-house waste bin monitoring systems?
iii. How can a prototype for detecting litter-bins filling up or generating foul smell and notifying relevant parties be developed?
iv. How reliable is the prototype developed?
This study helps to identify the gaps in monitoring of in house waste bins. The study aims at developing a prototype to benefit the domestic household and corporate user to be able to monitor the gas emission levels, and the fill levels from the waste bins.
The results of the study might propel the usage of the proposed prototype for detecting fill-level and gas emission level from waste bins and informing the waste monitoring personnel hence ensuring a safer, cleaner environment for all.
The research would also be important to scholars, as an addition to the existing body of knowledge also complementing the previous research carried out on the same. It will provide a fair platform for further research to be carried out on the adoption of waste bin monitoring systems.
1.8. SCOPE
The study is aimed at formulating a prototype for the adoption of waste bin monitoring systems. This is because such a solution may go a long way in enhancing accountability, proactive responsiveness and better management of waste, thus ensuring a safer, cleaner environment for everyone. This study was carried out in 2017.
The target of this study is the domestic household and corporate user. The prototype developed from this study will empower the domestic and corporate user to be able to monitor the household bin status (gas emission levels, and the fill levels) over a period of time, being able to send notifications when bins require to be attended and reports on average household waste reporting.
PRICE: 2,300 

EXPERT SYSTEM FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF CROHN'S & COLITIS AND LUPUS (case study of federal medical center jalingo)



A computer is digital electronic machine capable of accepting input data, processing and producing an output (information). The computer is an important tool that plays a good role in the analysis of any subject that is to be programmed. Though before a computer can be successfully programmed and utilized, it must be studied. Hence, “computer Science” which is the study of computer and its programming is mainly about the design and analysis, modeling and application of computer related system


Computer Science has enabled the development of expert system which in turn improved human performance in their related field in life.

The development of experts system that capture skills and expertise of a human expert has not been easy and date back to the Second World War, where experts of computer tried relentlessly to develop technique or systems that would allow act more intelligently than human. But recently, experts system  have proven their value by aiding for example, medical professionals in diagnosing diseases and scheduling task as well mechanics in trouble shooting locomotive problems and configuring complex computer hardware.

Hence, this project harnesses the abilities of experts on system to develop an expert system on Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus diagnostic system that will aid Federal Medical Center, Jalingo professional or personnel (e.g. Doctors, paramedics) in the diagnosis of Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus and its associated symptoms and to its prescription.


According to research, diagnosis in Federal Medical Center, Jalingo has been plague by several factors based on the current manual processes:

1.     File and record about patients are not properly kept.

2.     Drugs prescription is hardly ever done with the right age of the patient in mind.

3.     Error are easily made and hardly detected.

4.     Information is not well maintained.


This work study will as much as possible try to achieve the objectives stated below.

i.          To help in the fight against Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus mostly in Taraba State.

ii.        To appraise the contributions of an expert system in medicine.

iii.     To inform the medical practitioner that they can enjoy prolific alliance with computer systems.

iv.     A Flexible and relatively easily maintained systems.

v.        An improvement to quality by providing a consistent source of reliable expert guidance.

vi.     It reduces the amount of wastage in terms of time and human resource

vii.   The containment of medical diagnosis by substituting software systems for skilled people, to help in assistance.


The significance of expert systems in the diagnosis of Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus are too numerous to mention but a few has been listed out below;

i.       It takes a long time to train medical experts to know the symptoms of Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus and be able to give out the right drugs but with the proposed new system, only what is needed is the skills of operating the new system which requires entering patients information and their symptoms into the system and in turn the system brings out the type of Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus and the drugs to combat it.

ii.     Consistent solution: Computers do not suffer some of the weaknesses of humans, such as getting tired or ill and they are more easily access than human experts.

iii.  More time to evaluate decision result: Advice is obtained from the experts system quickly, leaving more time to weigh the possible result before action is taken.

iv.  Human expert development is a continuous exercise but an expert system is built only once and updated continuously with new technologies.


Expert system on Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus diagnostic is a software designed to assist doctors and medical professional in Federal Medical Center, Jalingo to  diagnosis and prescription of different ailment as a result of Crohn’s & Colitis and Lupus.

This system will simulate expert reasoning, taking into consideration the clinical sign and test result. It generates accurate treatment, advice addressing and prescriptions to possible drugs.


Diagnostic: This is concerned with diagnosis; used for furthering diagnosis or can be defined as characteristic or indicative of a disease.

A.I: Known as artificial intelligence in full and can be defined as the branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively.

Paramedics: A person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment.

Crohn’s & Colitis: Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Inflammation caused by Crohn's disease can involve different areas of the digestive tract in different people.

Lupus: Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect almost any part of the body, most often the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood, or brain.

Hospital: A medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care.

Medication: The act of treating with medicines or remedies

Physician: A licensed medical practitioner

Ailment: An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining

Software: These written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory.