A healthy environment is imperative to a healthy and happy community. Clean and well monitored environments are a key need in human habitable environments. An in-house IoT based refuse disposal system is a key aspect in achieving this. The existing system of placing smart waste bin in a central location is ineffective and prone to errors because most times, it is difficult to determine the waste bin wait and fill-up level which results to bins overflowing. Additionally, due to different frequency of usage of dustbins in different areas, routine checks which are based on time crevices is inefficient because a dustbin might get filled early and may need immediate attention or there might not be any need of a routine check for a long period of time. This makes present system resource expensive and ineffectual, as overflowing, stinking dustbins become more of a problem than a solution. This study presents a framework solution to solve this problem. The framework integrates the idea of IoT with Wireless Sensor Networks.  Arduino Microcontroller is used to interface the sensor system and the IoT hub. Dustbins in a household are embedded with low power and low cost smart ultrasonic and sensors that are connected to an IoT device, which acts as a central hub for all bins. The bins transmit their content and its fill-level status to the central hub which relays this data to a cloud platform.
Keywords: IoT, Sensor, Microcontroller, Base Station, Waste bin


1.1  Background of the Study

Waste management is a waste collection system which include the transportation, disposal or recycling of waste. Waste, which is one of the causes of environmental pollution, has been defined under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as any solid, semi-solid, liquid or gaseous materials discarded from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural activities (Bashir & Banday, 2013). Most daily human activities generate waste, which need to be properly disposed and managed to protect human health and the environment. This is particularly evident in urban settlements where large volumes of solid waste are produced daily (National Environment Management Authority, 2014).
A researched conducted at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs shows that the share of the urban population growth worldwide is expected to reach 66% by 2050, compared to 52% in 2014, resulting in increased waste production in cities. In 2012, urban areas worldwide generated about 1.3 billion tons of solid waste, representing 1.2 kilograms of waste generated per person–day. With rapid population growth occurring along with urbanization, urban waste generation is projected to rise to 2.2 billion tons by 2025, confirming that urban solid waste (USW), the major by-product of an urban living lifestyle, is growing even faster than the rate of urbanization. This increase in urban waste generation, together with stricter regulations aimed at ending illegal waste disposal, stimulate the rise of various applications and methods for better waste management. Other factors that have sparked the rise of applications designed for the effective management of waste worldwide are connected to the constant use of recycling techniques, technological innovation, advanced techniques for waste collection, and the use of technologies based on IoT and big data ( Kellow et al, 2019).
Envisioning the rapid rise of generated waste and the negative impacts that results from poor waste management within the urban settlements, particularly cities and big municipalities the use of waste bins for collection were employed (Lazaro, Alexis, & Rubio, 2014). The waste products are collected through waste bin at a common place at a particular location. A major difficulty in this method of disposal is the process of checking waste bins for the collection of waste (Bashir & Banday, 2013). Waste management personnels have to pass by and collect waste from all the different waste bins. In this case, two possibilities might occur; there is no waste for collection, or the bin has overflow. Furthermore, the process of collecting waste using the traditional method is tedious and time tasking, thus smarter and efficient techniques becomes paramount.
With the advancement in technology, Internet of things (IoT) has become a leveraging technology for waste disposal. IoT is a technique in which surrounding objects are connected using wired or wireless media, and controlled remotely. Objects communicate and exchange information to provide advanced intelligent services to users. In this project, we propose an efficient IOT-based Architecture for waste disposal that will reduce time for accessing bin status thus, enhancing waste disposal.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the main concerns with our environment has been poor waste management, which affects human health and degrades environment. The detection, monitoring and management of wastes is one of the primary problems of the present era. The traditional way of monitoring the wastes in waste bins is a cumbersome process that utilizes human effort, time and cost.
The emergence of Smart Garbage System (SGS) has helped tremendously in addressing the various issues associated with traditional method of waste disposal. Though the current SGS have proffered solutions to poor waste management methods, considerable challenges such as difficulty in identifying the filling level of the dumps because of the differences in the waste packaging process, variety and the irregularity of the discarded materials, and easy monetization of the waste management system still persist.
This research proposes a framework that converts the process to an in house waste disposal system that enables waste monitoring personnel to collect the waste on time by notifying when the bins have reached maximum capacity. The proposed solution is able to help in increasing overall productivity by ensuring collections occur only when needed, overfilling is eliminated, collection costs are reduced, and residents enjoy an ecofriendly waste monitoring solution.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this study is to develop a framework for an IoT based smart refuse disposal system.
The objectives of the study are listed below:
1.      To Identify Elements relating to bin status monitoring.
2.      To Review the approaches used in in-house waste monitoring systems.
3.      To develop a framework to detect when waste bin fill up and notify the relevant waste monitoring personnel for collection.

1.4 Significance of the Study
1.      This study will offer invaluable benefits to the existing system (Smart Garbage System) in the process of effective and hitch free waste disposal.
2.      This study will be important to scholars, as an addition to the existing body of knowledge.
3.       Enable residents generate income from the waste they generate
4.      Provide easy business chain process for companies and individuals involved in the waste management business.
1.5 Scope of the Study
In this project work, there are limitations which limits the scope of our work. The scope of this project is to put forward a generic framework for solid waste management. However, we do not intend to provide or implement a full generic framework.  Furthermore, we will not be working with real sensors or actuators, thus we will assume the sensory aspect of our framework by modeling the assumed sensor components. Subsequently we do not plan to compact data mining functions on sensors.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Waste: anything that is eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required.
Disposal: the action or act of disposing
Internet: a global communication network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
Information: facts or knowledge provided or learned.
Garbage: rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse.
Bin: receptacles in which to deposit refuse or rubbish
Vandalism: the act of deliberately destroying or damaging a property
Framework: an essential supporting or underlying structure.
Sensor: a device which dictates or measure physical property.
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