Tax is any form charge levied on a person or an institution by a governing body or its equivalent such that defaulted payment is punishable by law. The imposition of taxes and the institution of taxing is as old as civilization itself cutting across religion, race and continental borders. Prompt tax payment and reduced tax evasion is always a primary objective of the government in most civilizations that exist today. The issue of tax evasion has proven to be a difficult practice to curb even in nations with a proper database of its citizenry and the current mode of tax payment is redundant and hectic. Some of the challenges governmental bodies have to overcome in order to encourage the prompt payment of taxes and effectively reduce evasion includes, developing convenient payment methods and having proper records keeping systems. This paper is a concise summary of how the continuous development of computing science and its wide spread ability to be deployed to solve a wide range of problems can be geared towards the development of an electronic remote taxation system to assist government bodies with convenient tax collection and record keeping. The waterfall methodology was selected for system development. Goals to be achieved by the system are instant access, improved productivity through efficient utilization of resources, database creation and records management, simplification of operations, reduced processing time, user friendliness, portability and flexibility for further enhancement. This system looks at how tax payment can be encouraged through simplification and increased efficiency in payment processing.

1.1 Background of the Study
Computer based online tax payment (E-tax payment) system is a computerized online payment system which allows fast and easy monitoring and payment of taxes online. The system under study, Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) Jalingo is an agency owned by the Government of Taraba State which helps to generate revenue for the state government through tax payment and other activities that they carry out.  The current system was established in year 1991 by the state government as a means of generating revenue. The system is located at 56, Hammaruwa way Jalingo. Presently, the system has the following departments: Commissioner of finance, Interim Management Committee (IMC), Interim Management Committee (Operations) and IMC (Corporate Services) etc.

The current system (BIR) under study are making use of manual methods which is slow in carrying out operation and also creates employment for individuals which is one of the measures to reduce crime rate and unemployment rate in our country today.
1.2 Statement of problem
The existing system makes use of manual method of collection of taxes and handling of other operations which involves the use of paper and pen to keep records. This makes the process to be inconsistent, tedious, time consuming and prone to mistakes. Most times, tax payers are discouraged because the process of manual task collection involves them queuing for long hours and filling different forms just to pay their taxes. Due to lack of a computerized system tax payment system, the current system has been encountering a lot of challenges which include: Mentality of carrying out jobs manually which is inefficient, cumbersome (difficult or complicated), time consuming and at times in accurate, problem of poor communication between the various departments involved, problem to ensure that taxpayers who need information can obtain it accurately and on time, poor identification of taxpayers, problem of logistics etc.

This study proposes a computerized system that tends to address all of the challenges being encountered by the current system. The system will be a web based application which tax-payers will use to pay their taxes remotely and the administrator(s) of the system can automate the processes involved in managing tax payment.
1.3 Aim and object of the study
The aim of this study is to design, implement and evaluate remote tax payment system. The objectives of this study are to satisfy the user needs as follows:
a.         To satisfy the user need and requirement as cost effective as possible.
b.         A system that will be easy to use and user friendly.
c.         A system that will process data accurately, so that the user can be confident of the information stored in the tax file database.
d.         System that will take proper record on the number of taxpayer to avoid double payment.
e.         A system that is capable of checking error verification and validation.
f.          To take security measures to prevent loss of information form files by user error or physical damages.
g.         System that will be easy to maintain and update.
h.         A system that will be flexible so as to adapt to changes, and prevent unauthorized users form tampering with important files.
1.4 Scope of the study
The scope of electronic tax (E-tax) payment system is to use an online or net based tax payment system to carry out some of the activities of Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) that consumes time and that has been carried out manually which some of them are:
a.         Revenue collection (all types of revenue).
b.         Motor vehicle license.
c.         Change of ownership.
d.         Plate numbers.
e.         Registration of vehicles
f.          Capital gains tax
g.         stamp duties
h.         Pay-as-you-earn (PAYE)
1.5 Significance of the Study
Advantageous process of electronic tax (E-tax) payment system is to make sure that the duties of the system under study, Board of Internal Revenue (BIR) is been carried out diligently and also to reduce the rate of manual method and time consuming. Automation of a system that is net-based (online system) for tax payers will be introduced to save time and also ensure accuracy processing.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Adjusted profit: - This refers to that part of the company’s profit which is arrived at after adjusting for allowable and non-allowable income and expenses.
Assessable income: - This is the actual income relating to the tax year of assessment.
Budget surplus: -       Here government revenue is expected to be more than the expenditure.
Direct taxes: - This is a government compulsory levy on the person intended to pay tax.
Earned income: - This refers to income derived form a trade, business, profession, vocation and employment carried on or exercised by an individual.
Indirect taxes: - This is levied on a particular person who pays it but later recoups (regains) this from members of the community, probably in most cases from his customers.
Pay as you earn (PAYE): - Every employer is required to deduct the tax from the emoluments paid or payable (by the employer) to the employees.
Relevant tax authority: - This is the tax office to which taxes and levies are paid.
Residence: - A person is deemed to be resident where he has a permanent place of abode.
Taxation: - This is a payment levied by government for which no good or services is received directly in return i.e. the amount of tax people pay is not related directly to the benefit people obtain form the provision of a particular goods or service.
Tax avoidance: - This means using loopholes to bring down the law of tax payment.
Tax due: - Willingly refusal to pay tax by an individual qualified to pay tax.
Taxable income: - This is the amount arrived at after applying the ruling tax rate on the taxable income profit. 

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